As a life coach, breathwork addict & facilitator, and somatic awareness hype woman, I am devoted to helping you live a life of authenticity and freedom!

I wasn't born knowing these tools or even taught them as I was growing up, it was through living a life that was taking me off of the path from where I wanted to be that I began my growth journey.

For years, I lived what many would consider a dream life in Las Vegas. As a cocktail waitress immersed in the vibrant nightlife, I experienced the exhilarating rush of a city that never sleeps. I made great money, traveled extensively, and enjoyed countless adventures with friends. Despite the excitement and freedom, a part of me always felt unfulfilled, quietly yearning for something more profound.

In 2020, the world hit pause, and so did I. The global shutdown served as a wake-up call that shifted my perspective dramatically. It was during this period of collective silence and personal introspection that I discovered the missing piece to my puzzle—my well-being. I made the life-altering decision to embrace sobriety and stumbled upon a powerful tool that would change my life: breathwork.

This discovery was not just about personal healing; it became my passion to share and teach. The transformation was so profound that I knew I had to help others find this same sense of release and clarity. I dove headfirst into the world of breathwork, becoming a certified coach, and dedicating myself to guiding others on their own journeys to self-discovery and authenticity. I can still remember the day I said to myself, I am never going back to the life I used to live.

I still don’t have have it all figured out, but I keep learning and sharing the tools I learn that truly work for me. I get to live a truly extraordinary life even better than I had ever imagined it could be!

Which brings me to you…

I am committed to helping people just like you to unlock their full potential and live a life beyond their dreams. Through various modalities I have learned along the way, I offer a path to rediscover your inner wisdom, freedom, and authenticity.

Whether you are seeking to overcome personal challenges, enhance your mental clarity, or simply find a deeper sense of peace, I am here to support you every step of the way.

My approach is rooted in genuine care and backed by the transformative power of breathwork, somatic awareness, energy work and coaching.

Here, we embrace the journey of growth together, celebrating each small victory and learning from every challenge. Your path to a more fulfilling life starts with that inner voice telling you, "there's gotta be more."

Let’s explore what more looks like—for you.

My Approach

At the heart of my coaching philosophy is an integrative approach that facilitates change across five distinct but interconnected levels:

  1. Somatic Awareness - Cultivating a deep connection with your body to harness its wisdom and listen to the signals it provides.

  2. Mindset - Shifting your thoughts and beliefs to create a foundation for positive change and personal growth.

  3. Behavioral Change - Implementing practical steps and habits that move you towards your goals and new ways of being.

  4. Emotional Awareness - Understanding and managing your emotions to enhance resilience and personal power.

  5. Unconscious Reprogramming - Addressing and altering deep-seated patterns and beliefs that unconsciously direct your life.

By starting from within, we focus first on your energy and awareness. This inner work is crucial because it lays the groundwork for all outward strategies. You can employ strategies all day, but without this foundational inner awareness, you may find yourself cycling back to familiar patterns that keep you feeling stuck. Our work together will help break these cycles, creating lasting change from the inside out.

3 stages for transformation


Awareness is the foundational step in any transformative journey. It serves as the guiding light, illuminating our path towards growth and evolution. Without this crucial element, the possibility of true change becomes a distant dream, forever out of reach. Embracing awareness opens the door to self-discovery and paves the way for meaningful transformation to take place.


Before change can be truly effective and sustainable, there must be a deep acceptance of our current reality and circumstances. This critical stage is often overlooked in conventional coaching approaches, yet it lays the foundation for genuine transformation and growth to occur.

aligned action

This is about moving forward with intention and harmony, rather than forcing change through sheer willpower. Aligned action means that your decisions and actions are congruent with your true self and values. You’re not just reacting to external pressures but are moving in sync with your intuition and life’s flow.