Vagus connection

Rewire and retrain your Nervous System to feel more ease and peace when navigating life’s waves.

About the Program

Vagus Connection is designed to help you:

  • Regulate, rewire, and retrain your nervous system.

  • Develop resilience and handle life's challenges with ease and grace.

  • Build a supportive community through weekly reflections and shared experiences.

  • Grow with coaching and accountability support.

What to Expect:

Here’s a sneak peek at the incredible journey I’ve crafted to support you every step of the way:

1:1 Coaching Call – Personalized Guidance Just for You (Monthly)

Every month, you’ll have a dedicated 1:1 coaching call where we dive deep into your unique challenges, goals, and growth. This is your time to get personalized support tailored to your needs, ensuring you’re on track and feeling empowered. Whether you’re working through obstacles or celebrating wins, these sessions are all about you and your journey.

Weekly Group Calls – Connect, Learn, and Grow Together

Join our weekly group calls to connect with a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same path as you. Each week, we’ll explore new topics, share insights, and support each other’s growth. These sessions are a powerful way to stay motivated, gain new perspectives, and build a sense of community. You’ll leave each call feeling inspired, uplifted, and ready to take on the week!

3-Day Immersion – Deep Dive into Transformation

Get ready for an unforgettable experience with a 3-day immersive experience. This intensive event is designed to create deep, lasting shifts in your life. Over the course of three days, you’ll immerse yourself in powerful practices, workshops, and experiences that will elevate your growth to the next level. It’s a unique opportunity to break through barriers, connect more deeply with yourself and others, and come away with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

Why This Structure?

I’ve designed this program with a balanced blend of personalized attention, community support, and deep transformational work. The monthly 1:1 calls ensure you’re getting the individual guidance you need, while the weekly group calls keep you connected and engaged with the community. And the 3-day immersion? That’s where the magic happens—creating space for profound growth and breakthroughs.

Ready to dive in? I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s make this journey unforgettable!

What you’ll Feel

  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation
    Experience more emotional stability and calm in your daily life.

  • Deeper Social Connections

    Feel a sense of belonging and support, reducing feelings of isolation.

  • Increased Resilience

    Handle life's challenges with more confidence and grace, bouncing back more quickly from setbacks.

  • Improved Physical Health

    Practice somatic techniques that promote overall physical well-being so you can enjoy improved sleep, reduced muscle tension, and better digestion.

  • Empowerment and Confidence

    Feel empowered by understanding and taking control of your nervous system health and approach life with increased confidence and a proactive mindset. Feel ready to face whatever comes your way.

  • Greater Capacity for Joy and Pleasure

    Open up pathways to experience more joy and pleasure in your life and increase your capacity to savor and enjoy the positive moments, enriching your overall life experience.