Regulate to elevate:

Tools to nurture your nervous system

Are you an entrepreneur feeling constantly on the edge, drained, or just out of sync? Discover the transformative power of understanding and regulating your nervous system with this exclusive online workshop, Regulate to Elevate. This session is purposely crafted for women feeling overwhelmed and at the doorstep of burnout because let’s face it… there are sooo many things to juggle and sometimes it just gets to be a lot.

What You Will Learn:

  • Map Your Nervous System: Gain a clear understanding of what dysregulation looks like and the unique signs your body exhibits. This knowledge is your first step toward empowerment.

  • Recognize the Signs: Learn to identify the early symptoms of stress and overstimulation that can lead you to feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

  • Strategic Regulation Techniques: Master practical, easy-to-implement techniques to regulate your nervous system, coming back to a state of calm, clarity, and renewed focus.

Why This Workshop Is Unique: This isn't just a workshop; it's a journey towards self-mastery. You will not only learn about your nervous system but also how to harness its power to stay balanced and thrive in all areas of your life.

Who Should Attend: Entrepreneurs who are ready to take control of their wellbeing, elevate their business performance, and show up as their best selves for their families and their teams.

Walk away from this workshop feeling empowered, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle challenges with vitality and presence.

Join me for Regulate to Elevate if you’re ready transform the way you work, live, and connect. Secure your spot today and step into a world where balance and productivity coexist, enabling you to achieve greatness in your business and beyond.

Join me August 27th from 6:00-8:00pm via Zoom!

What previous attendees said about regulate to elevate….

“It is likely that you are in a dysregulated nervous system right now without knowing and it is super easy to calm it down. You don’t need fancy tools or equipment Crystal can help you get back to center”

“The current state of the world and the past five years have put us into constant flight or fight. I think that even when we think we are OK, our bodies are still processing and looking for danger. This is not optimal for the life we want to live. It can get better this workshop can show you how”